Hazel’s hearing loss journey began more than 20 years ago. “I was diagnosed with hearing loss after what was diagnosed as Meniere’s disease – a vertigo disability and ongoing tinnitus.” Although Hazel’s vertigo attacks ceased after two years, her hearing loss and tinnitus remained.
Further hearing tests by ENT specialists over time deduced increasing hearing loss in Hazel’s right ear. However, she was told that no hearing aid was appropriate with tinnitus.
Increasingly frustrated by being “misunderstood often” and avoiding crowded restaurants, Hazel underwent an assessment at Northside Audiology. This assessment re-affirmed Hazel’s diagnosis of total deafness in her right ear; and subsequently Hazel received a Cochlear implant. In the clinic, she received “clear and defined instructions” in the use of her implant, at her own pace.
When Hazel’s Cochlear implant was switched on, she heard a gradual sound at first. As the volume was increased, she suddenly heard high pitched sounds which eventually helped her hear more clearly. “Driving home, I heard my right turn indicator for the first time in 20 years.”
Describing her hearing as “much, much clearer” now, Hazel is enjoying the ongoing personalised support provided by Northside Audiology.
Learn about our Cochlear implants Get in touch